Saturday, November 30, 2019
Mark Miller of Sawyer Brown Essay Example
Mark Miller of Sawyer Brown Essay My Idol Mark Miller of Sawyer Brown Joseph Zilar Everest University ENC 1101-80 Composition I Professor: Pirooz Kalayeh It was in 1984 when introduced to my idol, Mark Miller and Sawyer Brown, the country rock band. I was clicking through the channels and found a show called Star Search. It was the first reality performing arts competition that I had the pleasure to see, other than â€Å"The Gong Show†. I love to sing, so I could relate to the venue at hand. Ed McMahan was the show host, and most may remember him from â€Å"The Tonight Show†with Johnny Carson. I started watching Star Search, and began to root for the country rock band Sawyer Brown each week. Sawyer Brown ended up being the top winner. Here it is almost thirty years later, and Mark Miller and Sawyer Brown are still going strong, and winning over audiences everywhere they go. (Thesis) I picked Mark Miller as my Idol because of; his leadership, his Christian values, sharing personal commonalities, and his love of music. Much of Mark’s music, thanks to his leadership, reflects his deep Christian origins (Evans, and Ross, 2013). Sawyer Brown’s founder and front man of the band, Mark Miller doesn’t sing about cheating. He sings about the common man and having good old fashion fun. When Sawyer Brown was announced the winner of Star Search, the leader Mark Miller thanked God for the opportunity to show their music on TV. I remember them singing a song on Star Search. It was the song â€Å"Step that Step†, and that song was their very first hit. I thought to myself back then that Sawyer Brown would become a big name band as long as Mark’s leadership kept the band grounded in their beliefs. We will write a custom essay sample on Mark Miller of Sawyer Brown specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Mark Miller of Sawyer Brown specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Mark Miller of Sawyer Brown specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Mark is a very quiet and soft spoken Christian man, and makes people wonder where all of his energy on stage comes from and how real it is. You have no idea, says Miller, â€Å"People look at me offstage, and think its an act. But thats how my brother and I were raised. Be good, do right, but when you get to church, you let it go. People talk about my dancing well, where we went to church, thats what people did when the music was pumping. And let me tell you: that music got going†(Sawyerbrown. com, 2013). â€Å"In my Life everything revolves around putting God first, my family second, and then everything lse has to come after that. To this day I’ve never drank a beer. I never have. I was always taught that was wrong†(Evans, and Ross, 2013). Mark Miller was raised up in the Pentecostal church, where the music in church flung down with passion and fire, and that on fire sense of musical explosions happen at all of their performances. I share a lot of things in co mmon with Mr. Mark Miller. My singing voice sounds very much like his. I would say that he sounds like me, but he was born before me, so I sound like him. Mark Miller, like me, has such a love for music too. Mark goes on to say,†Really, I feel music. I feel it through every ounce in me, and through to my bones. You know something rhythmic comes on†(Evans, and Ross, 2013). That is how I feel. Often, someone will speak a phrase, and it will remind me of a song. Then I just start singing that song. Like Mark Miller, I have been writing songs and dancing around since I was 15 years old. Mark has written songs like â€Å"Step that Step†, â€Å"Drive me Wild†, and â€Å"Some Girls do†, just to name a few. I admire Mark very much. Especially for his dedication to follow his passion, and making a living doing what he loves. That’s the one thing I wish I had in common with him. Leader of Sawyer Brown, Mark Miller, and his band have come a long way since 1984 and Star Search. They have most of the original band members, still doing about 80 performances a year, and have their own company, Beach Street Entertainment, which just finished putting out a Christian based movie April 9 of this year (Wyland, 2013). Because of his Christian family values, Mark Miller even finds time to coach his kid’s basketball games. That is why I admire and look up to the singer and song writer, band leader, Christian family man, and entrepreneur Mark Miller. Works cited Evans M. , and Ross S. (2013) Between the Liner Notes, Mark Miller: Who’s the real Sawyer Brown. The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc. http://www. cbn. com/cbnmusic/interviews/700club_sawyerbrown060806. aspx Sawyerbrown. com (2013) Biography, Sawyer Brown. Retrieved August 03, 2013 from http://sawyerbrown. com/index. htm? d=256 Shelton, P. ( 1995) Sawyer Brown. Contemporary Musicians.. Retrieved August 06, 2013 from Encyclopedia. com: http://www. encyclopedia. com/doc/1G2-3493100061. html Sweet, J. (2000). Sawyer Brown†, Contemporary Musicians. (2000). Retrieved August 03, 2013 from Encyclopedia. com: http://www. encyclopedia. com/doc/1G2-3494500069. html Wyland, S. (April 8, 2013) Great American Country TV. Retrieved August 03, 2013 from http://blog. gactv. com/blog/2013/04/08/sawyer-browns-mark-miller-releases-first-feature-film/
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Ships have always represented a major capital investment for their owners. Even the earliest ocean going ships, although small, would have represented a major investment at the time and a very risky one... Shipping finance has become a generic term referring to the financing of maritime projects, which encompasses not just shipping, but also other sub-sectors like ports, shipyards, and containers. However, in the following section financing of shipping projects is confined.Shipping is a capital-intensive industry. Vessels constitute almost 90 percent of the fixed assets (net block and capital work in progress) of a typical shipping company. A LNG carrier costs around USD 250 million, a double-hulled VLCC costs around USD 90 million, a Handysized chemical ship is around USD 70 million. But ship values change up to 60 per cent in a few months. In such a scenario, a shipowner or a potential shipowner wishing to acquire a vessel finds a considerable gap in his personal funds availabil ity and additional funds requirement.Shipping finance has to a large extent remained a specialty sector on account of a number of unique characteristics associated with the shipping industry such as unsettled markets, international service, mobile assets and others. Despite the complications involved in shipping finance, sophisticated financial instruments are conspicuous by their absence. In contrast, asset-based financing in industries with a similar profile like Airways have had highly sophisticated instruments to match the prevalent risk-return structure. Internationally, term lending backed by security in the form of collateral and mortgage has been the most prevalent form of financial assistance given to shipping companies. Globally, governments have provided substantial financial support to respective shipping industries either directly or indirectly. The growth of the maritime industry, especially shipping, in countrie...
Friday, November 22, 2019
A peaceful woman explains why she carries a gun
Now days world is not safe. According to the CDC, â€Å"non-contact unwanted sexual experiences†are the most prevalent form of sexual violence in the Unites States. Every 2 minutes, someone in the U. S. is sexually assaulted. According to the online studies by Stop Street Harassment, 99% of respondents said that they had been harassed at least a few times. â€Å"A Peaceful Woman Explains Why She Carries a Gun†by Linda Hasselstrom exemplifies a use of having a gun for protection as a last resort. Hasselstrom was justified for her need to own a gun as she wanted to be protected, safe and have a peace of mind. Desire to be protected justified Hasselstrom to get a gun; however, she considered other means of protection first. To begin with, Hasselstrom used improvised means for protection. For example, she had her own â€Å"gun†(spray cans of deodorant) which did not have to be registered. However, one night while camping, the author and her friend, harassed by two young men, decided not to tempt fate and use their â€Å"improvised mace†, but simply leave the camping area. When improvised means of protection did not work, Hasselstrom considered another option- a citizens band radio, a system of short-distance radio communications between individuals which does not require a license. However, she rejected this method of protection providing an example of a woman who got beaten and raped using a CB radio to get help with a flat tire. The last method Hasselstrom considered as a mean of protection was self-defense. For her, kung fu class was a smart decision because on the top of her self-preservation, her height and weight did not give her any benefit. Therefore, looking for protection, Hasselstrom provided the readers with justified steps she took prior to the extreme measure of protection- a gun. Also, the author was well-grounded for her need of a gun because she wanted safety. Firstly, she did not feel safe on her land. While Hasselstrom lived on a ranch in secluded area 25 miles from the nearest town, she, somehow, managed to have uninvited guests on her property. For example, one day she noticed an armed man on her land who wanted to shoot ducks. As a result, she could not feel safe even on her territory. Secondly, as the author was vulnerable even while driving her car, her possession of a gun was reasonable. Hasselstrom provides the readers with examples to prove her right. In one of the examples, an unknown car was following her on her way home, and made her stop by flashing a blinding spotlight in her face. Another example depicts a man who was playing cat-and-mouse with Hasselstrom within 30 miles when she was driving in a desolate part of Wyoming. Thirdly, the fact that Hasselstrom did not feel safe even in public places justified her to own a gun. She provided an example of her and her friend being harassed and scared by men while camping in the West. Moreover, looking for some help from the local rangers, she had to face with their carelessness and unwillingness to protect and help. In addition to Hasselstrom’s desire of protection and safety, there is a desire of peace she was looking for which justified her to possess a weapon. First of all, she could not get a peace of mind being harassed on a daily basis. Whether she was among people or on her property, she faced acts of harassment or danger which took her further away from a peace she was searching for. Then, she could not find a peace of mind if she was constantly stressed out, suspicious and scared about everything. One day the author found deep tire ruts in her yard and garbage in her driveway. More likely, that fact would lead a person like her to suspect that someone unfriendly had an intention to hurt or do her harm. Third of all, Hasselstrom lived in the environment where women did not stand much for a chance of not being harassed. Men in her area worried her, and their harassment would not stop until stronger measures were taken. However, Hasselstrom did not want to be either daily harassed, be another victim of rape or permanently stressed out and scared. Threfore, she believed that having a gun handy would lead her to a peace of mind she was looking for. In conclusion, relying on Hasselstrom’s examples provided in the article, she was justified for her need to own a gun. She had no choice but to use it in dangerous situations to protect herself. When used responsibly, women in the same situation as the author would live protected, safe and with peace of mind they desire. What Hasselstrom’s message was in this article is that no one, man or woman, should live in fear. And in her situation, owning a gun gave her that security.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Hamlet by Shakespeare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Hamlet by Shakespeare - Essay Example From this study it is clear that Hamlet seems to be seduced, as well as repelled by the notion of suicid. In the gravedigger scene, in Act 5, Hamlet seems captivated by the reality of death. Although Hamlet’s fascination with death is intensely entrenched in his character, such fascination could also be a result of his grief following his father’s untimely death. In a sense, Hamlet is an extended dialogue between Hamlet and the element of death. This paper will examine how death permeates Hamlet from the opening scene to the end of the play. Death, in Hamlet, comes with a set of consequences that ultimately affect all characters and the nation, as well.As the essay stresses death permeates Hamlet from the opening scene when Hamlet’s dead father appears to Hamlet and introduces the aspect of death and its consequences. The ghost of Hamlet’s father signifies a disruption to the conventional social order. This form of disruption emanates from the unnatural death of the country’s (Denmark) figurehead and which is soon followed by a wave of revenge, suicide and accidental deaths. Perhaps Hamlet’s most powerful reflection on death comes in Act 4. Here, Hamlet refuses to tell Claudius where he hid Polonius body. The theme of death is perhaps the main theme of Hamlet especially considering that the plot of the play is set in motion by the unnatural death of Hamlet’s father. Throughout the play, we encounter a number of deaths, either from suicide or murder. ... Death emerges in the play once again as Hamlet arranges to have Rosencrantz and Guildenstern killed. However, the notion of spiritual terror keeps characters such as Hamlet from committing suicide despite their despair. Such terror emerges as Hamlet finds himself in a difficult position of desiring his death, but also fearing death intensely. This form of double pressure provides the play most of its drama and thrill. However, the aspect of death that Hamlet finds most intriguing is its bodily reality as he argues that mankind is ultimately made of meat and bone, but no matter how much humans value their bodies, they are innately decomposing machines (Act 5). In the scene at the graveyard, Hamlet’s fascination with death emerges as he ponders over Yorick’s skull asking whether a piece of the skull or dead earth has any personality or connection to a being. Hamlet ponders the spiritual aftermath of death as embodied in the form of a ghost and physical aftermath embodied in physical remainders such as the decaying corpses and Yorick’s skull. Moreover, the theme of suicide serves to augment the element of death in Hamlet. Just like the theme of madness, the theme of suicide links characters such as Ophelia and Hamlet and typically shapes the concerns of the play on a larger scale. This is because Ophelia perhaps commits suicide although the act is shrouded in mystery. Hamlet, on the other hand, merely contemplates suicide but is too scared by the notion of death and the spiritual ramifications of suicide to commit it. In both Hamlet and Ophelia’s cases, the most significant outcome of suicide is its religious ramifications. Within Hamlet’s two suicide soliloquies, he reflects on religious mysteries and laws that argue that the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Creating specialized pediatric radiographic team Dissertation
Creating specialized pediatric radiographic team - Dissertation Example Without evaluation, it is almost impossible to note any changes that have taken place in the organization. The stakeholders rely on evaluation to ensure the project reaches its stated objectives and at the right time. Evaluation helps stakeholders and concerned parties to focus on any factor that has affected the project and to what limits. Some factors are seen to affect a project to greater levels, ensuring the project does not achieve its objectives. Some of these factors can be controlled while others are uncontrollable. Therefore, focusing on these factors prepares the management to ensure the project is designed to achieve its objectives (Rigby, 2003: 15). For instance, when the management knows that a factor is likely to affect a project, they indulge in control measures that will reduce the atrocities of the factor. Prevention will prepare the project to deal with these factors (Walshe and Smith, 2011: 11). As such, the project is likely to record a positive accrual. This wil l also benefit the managers as they will have a positive record during their tenure. However, some of these factors are uncontrollable. For instance, the external factors are not controllable by the project’s management. Therefore, there is a need to have a closer focus on these factors and enhance preparedness. This will assist in ensuring the factors do not affect the project adversely. Evaluation is a process that allows improvement and correction in some activities that were not well conducted. When evaluating a project, the management considers all the attributes in the project and their optimality. For instance, evaluating the machinery that is used in radiography is a process that will show its aptness in offering services. If the machine is working properly, then it will serve a large number of people (Ahmed, 2012: 12). However, when the machine is not working to its optimum levels, it is not likely to record an improvement. Therefore, banking on the optimality of mac hinery is likely to improve the services that are offered in a project. Many people that deal with projects savor the issue of evaluation as it has numerous positive attributes. First, the evaluation gives room for improvement in the project. Secondly, evaluation assists in making the possible changes. Lastly, evaluation assists in preparing a budget that would improve the overall performance of the project if it is restarted. There are three types of evaluation that are mostly engaged in projects. The first type of evaluation is the process evaluation. This type of evaluation banks on evaluating the policies that are instilled in the project. Policies are the directives and regulatory accounts that are used in running the project. This is mostly done by the management which is in control of the project. The policies have a direct impact on the performance of the project as they are the vital controls of the project. Therefore, there is a need to come up with a management that knows how to conduct policies and ensure all the directives are followed. During evaluation, there is focus on the directives and policies and how they have been implemented in the project (Gordon, Buchanan and Bretherton, 2008: 13). Secondly, there is the evaluation of materials that are used in the project. Materials are important in that they are the basic needs of any project. Before starting any project, the management has to ensure it has ample materials. Ample materials will ensure the project is
Saturday, November 16, 2019
PBA Scholarship Application Essay Example for Free
PBA Scholarship Application Essay In this stage of my life, it is essential that I think about my future and my goals. In doing so, I also have the opportunity to reflect on my past, the road that has gotten me to where I am. As I look to pave my future, I see the path that I have followed has one that will help me to be successful in life. In reflection, I realize that I have been blessed with two loving parents, who, despite divorce, have made my life and our family a priority. See more: how to write a scholarship essay Both of my parents have lead successful lives through hard work, and I have learned through their example how to live life to the fullest and how to appreciate what I have in my life, not just material things, but opportunities, people, and gifts of talent and intellect. Through participating in athletics (four years varsity volleyball and two years varsity basketball) self-discipline and a healthy mind and body have become a priority in my life. By being healthy and active, along with hard work and determination, I can better handle the demands that I desire for my immediate future attending a four year college program. There I hope to be successful and hold a grade point average at or above what I currently have earned: 3. 4. I want to obtain a well rounded education and plan on working in law enforcement, like my father. This scholarship will help me to achieve this goal.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Radio Controlled Airplanes :: essays research papers
Teenagers have many hobbies and interests and one thing that the hobbies have in common is that every hobby requires specific steps in order to archive success. Some hobbies require very little training such as baseball card collecting. other hobbies take quite a lot of training, to preform correctly. There are some very important steps to take in order to be successful in the hobby, radio controlled airplanes, and they are researching the type of planes, selecting and purchasing the plane, and assembling and flying it. Â Â Â Â Â The first step for getting into the hobby of R.C.A. is to read as much as possible concerning R.C.A., and visit a quality hobby shop. The library and well stocked hobby shop are the best places to start. The library will have books that contain information about the various types of planes as well as the ease or difficulty of operating certain types of planes. The last step in the initial process is to go to the hobby shop and select a airplane based on the ease of assembly and price that is in ones budget. Â Â Â Â Â The second step in the process is the assembly of the R.C.A. It is essential that the area for assembly be clean and devoid of clutter. All of the instructions should be read and committed to memory. Next the individual should lay out all of the parts according to the orders of assembly. The last step in this second process is correctly assemble the R.C.A. Â Â Â Â Â The concluding and most enjoyable step is the actual flying of the plane. It is important to contact the local R.C.A club and find out where the meetings are located , where they fly their airplanes and what it takes to join the club. After the information is gained its time to go out and fly the R.C.A. Try to watch a person use the controls and learn as much as possible from an individual who has flown for a long time and is proficient at flying.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Learning Profiles and Multiple Learner Variances Essay
Differentiating According to Learning Profile and Multiple Learner Variances At the beginning of the school year, I suggested to the grade 6 teachers that we do a learning style inventory of the students we teach. They jumped at the opportunity to get to know their students better and to be able to provide their students with the best learning experience and the opportunity to be successful. We discovered many types of learning styles among the students, many of them having a combination of learning styles. As such I have helped them to incorporate strategies that will help to differentiate according to the students learning styles. For visual learners, for example, we have incorporated visual displays such as charts, videos, and handouts. During lectures and discussions they are provided with graphic organizers to help them organize the information. Dr. Tomlinson on the media video on Differentiating by Students Learning Profiles outlines that strategies offer choice to work alone, to work in an analytic way, to work in practical situations and to work in imaginative creative ways. Erica Mozzerall has incorporated most if not all of these strategies in the video on Classroom Demonstration. I thought that giving them the option to choose their own groupings was a good idea, she mentioned that by doing this they have unknowingly grouped themselves according to their own readiness level, she also allowed them to choose the question that they would consider to challenge them more; offering a choice also helps in differentiating according to their readiness levels. The rationale for differentiating according to multiple learning variances is that students need to be given the opportunity to learn and they should be doing so. This can be done through the implementation of differentiation strategies that take into account students learning profiles. In my lesson on students learning profiles, I will provide students with a variety options that will help address their learning styles. I am primarily a visual learner, therefore I tend to incorporate mainly visuals in my lesson, , my task is now to incorporate other strategies that will cater to the other learning styles within the class, which will take me out of my comfort zone however I am open to implementing other strategies that will help students be successful. References Laureate Inc. (2012) Classroom Demonstration. Mozzarell, E. Laureate Inc. (2012) Differentiating by Student Learning Profile. Tomlinson, C. A. Suggested website from cohort member’s-of-Planning-Lessons-Differentiated-by-Learning-Profile.aspx
Saturday, November 9, 2019
California Public Schools Essay
Having the experience in heading different departments and programs in the District of California Public Schools, I began to develop an interest in formally studying, understanding and implementing important administrative skills in classroom and school management. I would love to develop my leadership skills in accordance to the needs of our schools right now. For me, it is an important facet of improving the structure of the curriculum, as well as the administration of the school. In developing corporate management, coupled with my current skills as a teacher, I can better push, not only myself, but the entire school administration to employ corporate techniques in improving the performance of teachers and school administrators alike. By improving and developing the management of teachers and school administration, the improvement and development of teaching will ensue. And the end result would be better learning results of the children. Management is not only needed in classrooms. The school itself should learn to manage its own people managing the children. Because of my interest in leadership, I have decided to pursue my doctorate degree in K-12 Educational Leadership. This degree will equip me with the theoretical and practical knowledge in school administration management. With this, I can combine corporate management with the techniques that I have learned and employed as a teacher. Being an educational leader does not only mean that you know how to manage your students, or you make sure that your students learn through your teaching methods. An educational leader knows how to deal with students and colleagues alike. And he is able to make positive changes that will improve the teaching and administration performance of the entire institution. I want to understand better the programs needed to be established in a school in order for teachers to grow and improve. The quality of teaching is based upon the program of the school for the teachers and students alike. The school does not adapt solely on the students, but they should also look at the needs and the teaching patterns of the teachers. With a doctoral degree in K-12 Educational Leadership, I am better equipped with an understanding of how to create and initiate programs that are important for the teaching performance of the school staff. As a teacher, one’s responsibility is to make sure that their students learn. But it does not end their. As a teacher, one is responsible to become a role model that children can look up to, as a source of their inspiration and motivation to become who they want to be in the future. A teacher creates the future of the world not just through the academic lessons they teach, but the life lessons that they implicitly and explicitly affect the children. With educational leadership, I aim to direct the programs of the schools to a more defining positive inspiration and model for the children. By knowing the intricacies of management, as similar to managing a business, I will better equip myself with the important concepts of management and leadership. My career path is with leadership and management, thus, it is important for me not only to experience leading and managing but also to learn and to understand all the concepts connected to it. By undergoing the doctorate program, I will be able to gain the important academic and practical knowledge needed to manage the institution better. With this, I will be able to push forward my own ideas and concepts on administration and at the same time, combine it with what I will be learning. I am sure that Walden University will allow me to push forward my career path towards better educational management for teachers and students alike.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Stem Cell Research †English Essay
Stem Cell Research – English Essay Free Online Research Papers Stem Cell Research English Essay Someone you love is suffering from juvenile diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, spinal cord injury, MS, ALS, certain forms of cancer, or even heart disease. The only hope of finding a cure for these serious diseases is through stem cell research. Would you support stem cell research? Should you support it? Is stem cell research right or wrong? Would you do everything possible to help this loved one whom is suffering every single day of his or her life? These are all diseases that have no cure and often worsen day by day. Stem cell research is the most promising way to finding cures for many of these diseases. What exactly is a stem cell? According to the Stem Cell Act, â€Å"stem cells are unspecialized cells that can develop into more mature, specialized cells. They are found in embryos during their first few days of development, in fetal tissue, and more rarely, in some adult organs. Scientists work with both embryonic and adult stem cells, but embryonic stem cells are the more promising because they are â€Å"pluripotent,†meaning that they have the potential to differentiate into tissue of almost any organ (brain, liver, heart, pancreas, etc.) of the human body. Adult stem cells, on the other hand, are merely â€Å"multipotent†meaning that they generate just a few tissue types, and are difficult to extract and grow, and many tissues cannot be derived from adult stem cells.†This is why stem cells are so important and why scientists think that they can find cures for diseases through stem cell research. What are embryonic stem cells, and why are they important? According to the National Institute of Health, â€Å"embryonic stem cells, as their name suggests, are derived form embryos. Specifically, embryonic stem cells are derived from embryos that develop from eggs that have been fertilized in vitro-in an in vitro fertilization clinic-and then donated for research purposes with informed consent of the donors. They are not derived from eggs fertilized in a woman’s body. They embryos from which human embryonic stem cells are derived are typically four or five days old and are a hollow microscopic ball of cells called the blastocyst. The blastocyst includes three structures: the trophoblast, which is the layer of cells that surrounds the blastocyst; the blastocoel, which is the hollow cavity inside the blastocyst; and the inner cell mass, which is a group of approximately 30 cells at one end of the blastocel.†Embryonic stem cells can be grown in the laboratory. According to the National Institute of Health, â€Å"growing cells in the laboratory is known as cell culture. Human embryonic stem cells are isolated by transferring the inner cell mass into a plastic laboratory culture dish that contains a nutrient broth known as culture medium. The cells divide and spread over the surface of the dish. The inner surface of the culture dish is typically coated with mouse embryonic skin cells that have been treated so they will not divide. This coating layer of cells is called a feeder layer. The reason for having the mouse cells in the bottom of the culture dish is to give the inner cell mass cells a sticky surface to which they can attach. Also, the feeder cells release nutrients into the culture medium. Recently, scientists have begun to devise ways of growing embryonic stem cells without the mouse feeder cells. This is a significant advancement because of the risk that viruses or othe r macromolecules in the mouse cells may be transmitted to the human cells. Over the course of several days, the cells of the inner cell mass proliferate and begin to crowd the culture dish. When this occurs they are removed gently and plated into several fresh dishes. The process of replating the cells is repeated many rimes and for many months, and is also called subculturing. Each cycle of subculturing the cells is referred to as a passage. After six months or more, the original 30 cells of the inner cell mass yield millions of embryonic stem cells. Embryonic stem cells that have proliferated in cell culture for six or more months without differentiating, are pluripotent, and appear genetically normal are referred to as an embryonic stem cell line.†What are adult stem cells? According to the National Institute of Health, â€Å"an adult stem cell is an undifferentiated cell found among differentiated cells in a tissue or organ, can renew itself, and can differentiate to yield the major specialized cell types of the tissue or organ. The primary roles of adult stem cells in a living organism are to maintain and repair the tissue in which they are found. Some scientists now use the term somatic stem cell instead of adult stem cell. Unlike embryonic stem cells, which are defined by their origin (the inner cell mass of the blastocyst), the origin of adult stem cells in mature tissue is unknown.†Where are adult stem cells found and what do they do? According to the National Institute of Health, â€Å"adult stem cells have been identified in many organs and tissue. One important point to understand about adult stem cells is that there are a very small number of stem cells in each tissue. Stem cells are though to reside in a specific area of each tissue where they may remain quiescent (non-dividing) for many years until they are activated by disease or tissue injury. The adult tissues reported to contain stem cells include brain, bone marrow, peripheral blood, blood vessels, skeletal muscle, skin and liver.†The National Institute of Health also states, â€Å"Research on adult stem cells has recently generated a great deal of excitement. Scientists have found adult stem cells in many more tissues than they once thought possible. This finding has led scientists to ask whether adult stem cells could be used for transplants. In fact, adult blood forming stem cells from bone marrow have been used in transplants for 30 years. Certain kinds of adult stem cells seem to have the ability to differentiate into a number of different cell types, given the right conditions. If this differentiation of adult stem cells can be controlled in the laboratory, these cells may become the basis of therapies for many serious common diseases.†There are many similarities and differences between embryonic and adult stem cells. According to the National Institute of Health, â€Å"human embryonic and adult stem cells each have advantages and disadvantages regarding potential use for cell-based regenerative therapies. Of course, adult and embryonic stem cells differ in the number and type of differentiated cells types they can become. Embryonic stem cells can become all cell types of the body because they are pluripotent. Adult stem cells are generally limited to differentiating into different cell types of their tissue of origin. However, some evidence suggests that adult stem cell plasticity may exist, increasing the number of cell types a given adult stem cell can become. Large numbers of embryonic stem cells can be relatively easily grown in culture, while adult stem cells are rare in mature tissues and methods for expanding their numbers in cell culture have not yet been worked out. This is an important distinctio n, as large numbers of cells are needed for stem cell replacement therapies.†Many people feel that stem cell research is ethically wrong, especially embryonic stem cell research. Many Americans feel that an embryo is a human being, and that it should be treated as one. The destruction of one life can not be justified by trying to save another life. The fact that a frozen embryo will eventually die does not justify killing it prematurely. Many people feel that letting them die is not the same as experimenting on them or killing them. Everyone eventually dies, but that does not justify experimenting on stem cell embryos which in turn will kill them. Although, people feel that experimenting on embryonic stem cells is ethically wrong, they need to look at the benefits that can come from these embryos. By studying embryonic stem cells scientists believe that they will be able to find cures for many diseases that affect people of all ages. Millions of Americans have abortions each and every day. Is abortion ethical? If people are going to be allowed to have abortions, then why not benefit from their choices. If they choose to kill their baby, then why not try to help others by using the embryonic stem cells. It is not like scientists are going to purposely kill embryos. By ending one life, millions and millions of lives can be saved or at least prolonged. It is very important to look at the benefits that can come from embryonic stem cell research, before making a rash decision. President Bush has agreed to government funding of stem cell research. Although, he feels that it is ethically wrong, he believes that by studying embryos that are already frozen and collected, scientists may be able to discover new cures and or treatments for many illnesses. Whether it is ethically right or wrong, many scientists are already experimenting on embryos through privately funded companies. No matter what they do people are not going to be able to stop scientists from experimenting on these embryos, so why not support them. Embryonic stem cell research is now legal in California, which means that many scientists across the nation will move to California to experiment on embryos. California has voted yes on a $3 billion fund for stem cell research. This means that government money will be used along with the privately funded money to pay for stem cell research, which will allow more advanced research. If it is legal in one state, why not allow it in every state. By supporting scientists and allowing them to use government money on stem cell research, we can increase the ability of these scientist to find cures for some of the most critical and crucial diseases. There are many different potential uses of human stem cells and many different obstacles that must be overcome before these potential uses will be realized. According to the National Institute of Health, â€Å"there are many ways in which human stem cells can be used in basic research and in clinical research. However, there are many technical hurdles between the promise of stem cells and the realization of these uses, which will only be overcome by continued intensive stem cell research. Studies of human embryonic stem cells may yield information about the complex events that occur during human development. A primary goal of this work is to identify how undifferentiated stem cells become differentiated. Scientists know that turning genes on and off is central to this process. Some of the most serious medical conditions, such as cancer and birth defects, are due to abnormal cell division and differentiation. A better understanding of the genetic and molecular controls of thes e processes may yield information about how such diseases arise and suggest new strategies for therapy. A significant hurdle to this use and most uses of stem cells is that scientists do not yet fully understand the signals that turn specific genes on and off to influence the differentiation of the stem cell.†Although there are many different battles and obstacles that scientists face in stem cell research, it is the most promising way to cures. Embryonic stem cell research is thought of as unethical, but people should look at the whole picture when deciding whether or not to support it or if it should be allowed. Allowing stem cell research and supporting it would help and maybe even cure millions of people with serious illnesses. Although, there are other alternatives to embryonic stem cell research, it is thought to have the most promise. Embryonic and Adult stem cell research should be allowed as long as there are certain limits placed upon it. This helps in preventing any abuse of the research. Think of the lives that could be saved by this research, and say yes to stem cell research. Research Papers on Stem Cell Research - English EssayGenetic EngineeringInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesQuebec and CanadaBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfHip-Hop is ArtMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug Use
Monday, November 4, 2019
Benefits of Community involvement in Construction Literature review
Benefits of Community involvement in Construction - Literature review Example Findings from past studies on community participation have sometimes been applied in a wide range of service sections and types of settlement. It is, therefore, important obtain clarity in such findings. The following sections will look into an overview of community involvement and the findings from previous studies in relation to the effects of community involvement on construction projects and similar developments. Community Participation: An Overview A community’s conceptualization differs between projects, sectors, and regions (Memon, 2004). Typically, a community can be classified in terms of their administrative, social, and resource attributes. For example, legal communities refer to those that have been recognized by the local government, distinguishing a chain of command and arranging laws and codes in terms of political structures. The community members themselves are referred to as the social communities that signify the differentiation between the population based on social, cultural, and economic norms, such as farmers, traders, or local administrators. Finally, geographical communities can be defined by their planning terms as well as natural features and resources, recognizing communal interests (Kumar, 2005). Types of participation with which community members are actively involved in a particular activity can be classified into a number of forms. Passive participation refers to the type of involvement where in individuals who live within the project area participate by being told of future plans or current developments; other than this, they will not have any other contribution. Participation for material incentive is a type of involvement wherein individuals participate because they are paid by food or cash in exchange for their labor in a pre-determined project (Joshi and Moore, 2004). These individuals can also participate by offering a resource, including money or labor, to the set project, thus participation by resource contribution . Next, participation with consultation involves community members being consulted with their ideas and options regarding the decisions that have to be made for the project. Consequently, their views may either be accepted or rejected. People who are involved in interactive participation join external professionals to analyze the given situation; they also help develop action plans and decide for common projects. Finally, spontaneous mobilization enables community members to take their own initiatives that are not influenced by external professionals in order to contribute to the situation. As a result, self-help projects and requests for assistance to other relevant institutions may be carried out. Much of the empirical evidence with regards to the outcomes of projects in which community members are involved in have been based on the research on rural water projects (Prokopy, 2005) as well as from other public service sectors with which participation has been conceptualized as a ty pe of co-production. With this, citizens contribute their input to services which are typically and exclusively generated by public agencies. Support for community involvement has been evident in different sectors and one perceived reason for such is that social change, including the development of new habits and skills, or realizations of the service’
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Case for Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Case for Human Resource Management - Essay Example ion line itself represented threats to their physiological needs, such as demanding quality improvements and changes to how the work was conducted to meet new standards. In addition, their basic needs for security and belonging were being threatened by different cost-cutting efforts that could have, at the perceptual level, put them out of a job. These needs strongly influence whether they find value or self-confidence in their job roles, therefore issues of motivation needed to be addressed at the human resources level. People and their motivations are strongly connected to whether any structural or process changes meet with improved productivity, therefore they could not simply be dismissed. Employee needs will impact their dedication levels to meeting organizational goals or even, possibly, make them look for different work at another organization which could put high costs on the recruitment and retention budgets. At one company I worked for, there was a major project to improve the business resource planning software package so that inventory, purchasing, invoicing, and raw materials monitoring could be improved by a large margin. Technology in this case promised to eliminate all manual checks for inventory and also promised to reduce the amount of labor needed in the purchasing division. Throughout the entire project, which lasted about 18 months, workers were simply reminded that they needed to find other employment after the project was launched or try to find an opening in a different division through a bidding process. Instead of providing counseling services or trying to motivate employees to assist in the project development, the human resources angle was missing and workers kept trying to sabotage the new project to make sure it did not launch successfully. If the company had realized motivational needs in these soon-to-be-displaced employees, I believe the project would have been re ady for launch much faster than the 18 months it took to
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